
        【正新风 扬国粹】 2021年全国高层次艺术人才——张志强

        作者:admin2021-02-08 13:49:34 来源:中国书法家网


          Zhang Zhiqiang, Zhu Weng, born in 1957, Beijing native, calligraphy family, MBA degree. He is currently a director of the Academic Committee of Chinese and Foreign Celebrity Culture Research Association, a member of China Couplets Association, a director and deputy secretary-general of the first Council of Calligraphy Art Research Association of China Couplets Association, a special expert of Calligraphy Art Research Association of China Couplets Association, a trainer of painting and calligraphy grades, a member of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Association, a special painter of the New Literary Group Painting and Calligraphy Working Committee of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Association, and a visiting professor of national architecture institute of china Painting and Calligraphy Art Professional Committee. The artistic director of China Internet Alliance, as one of the first Chinese cultural celebrity studios awarded by the Academic Committee of Chinese and Foreign Celebrity Culture Research Association, is the head of "Zhang Zhiqiang Calligraphy Studio" and also the head of "Mo Dao Calligraphy Art Creation Center", the first creative base awarded by the Calligraphy Art Research Association of China Couplets Association.



          Long-term obsession with calligraphy art, indulging in cursive art, believing in "Taoism is natural" and "endless learning", pursuing five beauties (i.e., beauty of strokes, beauty of composition, beauty of Mo Yun, beauty of artistic conception), following the five-in-one, learning from both the ancients and the present, learning from both society and nature, abandoning metaphysics, adhering to the truth, and concentrating on studying pen and ink techniques.



          His works have been included in "A Generation of Masters of Painting and Calligraphy", "A Generation of Leaders" and "Cultural Power-Collection of Chinese Artists and Classic Works (Calligraphy)" published by the Cultural and Art Talent Center of the Ministry of Culture and the Central Literature Publishing House; Dozens of paintings and calligraphy books, such as People’s Favorite Painters and Calligraphers, which are edited by the Academic Committee of Chinese and Foreign Celebrity Culture Research Association and published by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Publishing House, have been published in the Cultural Monthly (December 2015, October 2015, first half of December 2016) under the charge of the Ministry of Culture for two consecutive years, and were published in China Culture Daily on March 7, 2017 during the "two sessions". In June 2019, the work was published in the "Office Business" (the next issue in June 2019, the back cover); In the same year, the work was published in the "Art Investment" section of China Economic and Trade (October, 2019), which is in charge of the Ministry of Commerce.



          In March 2014, it was included in the "Senior Talent Pool of Culture and Art Talent Center of the Ministry of Culture". The works were invited to be exhibited in overseas countries such as the Louvre in France and the new york International Art Fair. In September 2016, the works were published by the Ministry of Culture. The monthly magazine recommended to participate in the 2016 Art Guangdong International Collectibles and Art Fair; In December 2016, the works were invited to participate in the exhibition "Chinese Traditional Culture in Macau", which was approved by the Ministry of Culture and co-sponsored by the caeg and the Organizing Committee of Chinese Traditional Culture in Macau. In May 2019, calligraphy works were invited to participate in the exhibition of national painters and painters’ works celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, which was held in the National Culture Palace.






          唐·刘长卿《送灵澈上人 》






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