
        【正新风 扬国粹】 2021年全国高层次艺术人才——孙俊厚

        作者:admin2021-02-04 15:49:22 来源:中国书法家网


          Sun Junhou, male, was born in Jingle, Shanxi Province in 1945. He has a bachelor’s degree and the title of senior political engineer. He has been engaged in public affairs such as party and government, theory, propaganda, education and business management for a long time. He used to be the principal of the Party School of Jingle County Committee, the Standing Committee Member of the County Committee, the Minister of Propaganda, and the Director of Information Department of Taiyuan Coal Trading Center, China.



          After retirement, he devoted himself to calligraphy, stayed in the pool, and enthusiastically participated in social activities. He served as executive vice chairman of Shanxi Senior Calligraphers Association, vice chairman of China Cultural and Art Talent Association, honorary dean of Beijing Contemporary Global Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Beijing Oriental Hanlin Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Beijing Yihai Danqing Painting and Calligraphy Institute, artistic director of Sotheby’s Cultural and Art Development Center, researcher of International Qigong Painting and Calligraphy Research Association, and contracted painter of Calligraphy Newspaper. Now he is a national first-class calligrapher and a member of Chinese Calligraphers Association. Calligraphy works involve all types of Caoli, and attack seal cutting. Calligraphy is good at cursing, beautiful in shape, full of personality, full of decent atmosphere, and highly respected and cherished by intellectuals, collectors and everyone. He won many awards in provincial exhibitions and national exhibitions, and was invited to participate in exhibitions by famous artists in Beijing and Malaysia, and helped major public welfare activities such as earthquake resistance, anti-epidemic, poverty alleviation in hometown and the belt and road initiative, and won the Gold Award for Public Welfare Selection of Artists in the Belt and Road National Ceremony in 2020.



          The four leading teams at the county level and Taiyuan Jingle Enterprise Federation held a calligraphy exhibition of personal feedback to hometown, "Celebrating the 19th National Congress, Carrying Forward the Main Theme, Helping Hometown Get Rid of Poverty and Get Rich and Run Well-off Society". Ouyang Zhongshi, Liu Dawei, Li Duo, Quan Xijun, Zhao Wangjin and other Chinese calligraphy and painting artists have written comments on their calligraphy art, which are highly praised. He is a famous contemporary national ritual artist and an artist who files files in the National Archives. He was awarded the honorary titles of "Chinese Contemporary Excellent People’s Artist" and "Artist with both ability and political integrity". He has been employed as a member of China International Art Committee, honorary president of Beijing Oriental Hanlin Painting and Calligraphy Institute and Yihai Danqing Painting and Calligraphy Institute, researcher of International Qigong Painting and Calligraphy Research Association, and painter and painter of Calligraphy Newspaper.



          My Opinion on the Couplet Calligraphy Serving the Society and the Masses was published in the book Art and Mission of Couplets (China Couplet Publishing House). He has published a collection of personal calligraphy works and famous artists, and has compiled a variety of calligraphy and painting works, such as "Chinese Celebrity Grand Ceremony" (edited by the Ministry of Culture), "Master Style in a Hundred Years of Prosperity" (China Contemporary Art Publishing House), "Chinese Contemporary Calligraphers", "Chinese Dream. Times Danqing", "Tribute to Classics", etc. Art Chronicles, "Yearbooks" and various figures and local chronicles.
















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