
        【正新风 扬国粹】 2021年全国高层次艺术人才——代洪财

        作者:admin2021-02-02 14:23:36 来源:中国书法家网


          Dai Hongcai, with the name of Shan Tong, is a national first-class calligrapher, a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a member of the Chinese Couplet Association, the first director of the Calligraphy Art Research Association of the Chinese Couplet Association, and a member of the Jilin Calligraphers Association. He is currently the vice president of China Calligraphy and Art Research Institute, vice president of China Academy of Fine Arts, first-class calligrapher of Chinese Painting Academy, honorary president of Changsha Shangyun Painting and Calligraphy Institute, honorary president of Macau the belt and road initiative Painting and Calligraphy Culture and Art Promotion Association, academician of China Century Dacaifeng Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Beijing Taihu Painting and Calligraphy Institute and Beijing Great Wall Painting and Calligraphy Institute.

          代洪财作品 《博大胸怀》从开国大典到强国之梦,


          书法作品先后七十多次在国际和全国性书展中荣获特等奖,金奖。部分作品在泰国、新加坡、印尼、马来西亚、韩国、迪拜等国家展出;国内先后在澳门、香港、台湾地区、人民大会堂、钓鱼台国宾馆、国家鸟巢、北京国际展览中心等地成功展出作品,其中庆祝中国共产党成立95周年全国书展作品被选为艺术珍品,由中国历史博物馆,中共一大会址纪念馆永久收藏。作品“诚信赢天下”被国家鸟巢永久收藏,作品“建设美丽华夏,共圆祖国梦想”被中央电视台《智慧中国》栏目组收藏并悬挂。作品“从开国大典到强国之梦让世界见证了一个伟大的民族海纳百川的博大胸怀”被选为烧制《辉煌中国,红瓷将军瓶》,国家级烧瓷大师精心烧制而成。作品“垄断是地球人的枷索,霸权是全世界的大敌”被刊登于《我和我的祖国献礼70周年大阅兵》书刊。作品“一带一路合作共赢”,“和谐方能与时俱进,包容才可养育众生”,“中国永远不称霸”,被中国文化发展出版社刊登于《一带一路 国家名片》一书,并将此书赠送给一带一路沿线所有国家首脑赏阅。

          Calligraphy works have won special prizes and gold medals in international and national book fairs for more than 70 times. Some works were exhibited in Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Dubai and other countries; China has successfully exhibited its works in Macao, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Great Hall of the People, Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, National Bird’s Nest, Beijing International Exhibition Center, etc. Among them, the works of the National Book Fair celebrating the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China were selected as art treasures, which were permanently collected by the Museum of Chinese History and the Memorial Hall of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China. The work "Honesty wins the world" is permanently collected by the National Bird’s Nest, and the work "Building a beautiful China and realizing the dream of the motherland" is collected and hung by the column group of "Smart China" of CCTV. The work "The dream from founding ceremony to a powerful country made the world witness the broad mind of a great nation" was chosen to burn "Brilliant China, Red Porcelain General Bottle", which was carefully burned by a national porcelain burning master. The work "Monopoly is the yoke of the earth’s people, and hegemony is the enemy of the whole world" was published in the book "The 70th Anniversary Parade of My Motherland and Me". The works "Win-win cooperation in the belt and road initiative", "Harmony can keep pace with the times, tolerance can nurture all living beings", and "China will never seek hegemony" were published in the book "National Business Card of the belt and road initiative" by China Cultural Development Publishing House, and this book was presented to all heads of state along the belt and road initiative.

          代洪财作品 《复兴圆梦万代扬》



          Calligraphy works have been included and published by the state, and more than 50 national famous calligraphy classics have been published and published. The solo albums are: Dai Hongcai, the master of contemporary Chinese painting and calligraphy, Dai Hongcai, the top figures of Chinese painting and calligraphy, Dai Hongcai, the leading figure of contemporary painting and calligraphy, The Hundred Years Master, the most collectible 100 famous Dai Hongcai, and the Chinese Contemporary Power School.


          Writing the style of the times, carrying forward the national spirit, and rallying China’s strength, while constantly inheriting positive energy, we have not forgotten that music contributes to public welfare undertakings. Over the years, we have donated more than 200,000 yuan for helping the elderly, helping the disabled, helping students and helping the poor. In 2018, he gloriously participated in the "International China Public Welfare Grand Ceremony" and received awards and recognition from the leaders of CCTV and relevant state departments. Many media organizations, such as China International News, Phoenix News, Today’s Headlines, Chao Wen Tian Xia, CCTV’s "Smart China" column group, People’s Daily Overseas Edition, National Modern Art Network, Macao Entertainment News, etc., have interviewed and publicized their calligraphy works and deeds.



          After being jointly recommended by many art institutions at home and abroad, and comprehensively evaluated and demonstrated by authoritative experts from local book associations, he has been gloriously elected as "Top 100 Chinese Calligraphy Masters" and "Top Ten Most Beautiful Chinese Book Writers". He has been awarded the honorary titles of "Chinese Contemporary Lifetime Achievement Artist", "Outstanding Artist of Chinese Nation", "Patriotic Calligrapher Inheriting Red Culture", "Famous Artist Celebrating the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China", "International Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Communication Award" and "Outstanding Artist Inheriting Chinese Culture" by CCTV.

          代洪财作品 《中国梦》成功者的故事各不相同,


          代洪财作品 《做合格的共产党员》一个合格的共产党员,



          代洪财作品 《清平乐 六盘山》天高云淡望断南飞燕,不到长城非好汉,




          代洪财作品 《精忠报国不能等》精忠报国不能等,


          代洪财作品 《责任重于泰山》钟南山忠于人民忠于党,


          代洪财作品 《自强不息》自强不息,砥砺相勉,




          代洪财作品 《神州东方卧巨龙》京津福地八达岭,


          代洪财作品 《天佑神州圆梦中华》晚风轻拂,繁星闪烁一轮明月,


          代洪财作品 《众志成城》众志成城,


          代洪财作品 《忠心向党,执政为民》


          代洪财作品 《民族精神》观看叙利亚思想难民潮。


          代洪财作品 《常存慈爱之心》常存慈爱之心,


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