
        【正新风 扬国粹】 2021年全国高层次艺术人才——李仁枝

        作者:admin2021-02-01 15:35:18 来源:中国书法家网


          Li Renzhi, alias: Xinhua, Xuetao, Runzhi, Renzhi (1953.1) was born in Hengyang, Hunan Province. A national first-class calligrapher and artist. He graduated from Correspondence College of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy and graduated from Tsinghua University Academy of Fine Arts. He is currently honorary professor of Royal Swedish Academy of Art, honorary vice chairman of China Art Network, vice chairman of national architecture institute of china Painting and Calligraphy Professional Committee, consultant of China International Art Network, member of Chinese Calligraphers Association, member of Painting and Calligraphy Professional Committee of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Association and member of China Enterprise Culture Promotion Association.


          1991 年以来,曾数次受邀参加新加圾、巴黎、莫斯科、圣比彼得堡、洛杉矶、迪拜、首尔、香港、澳门和北京中国美术馆、中国军事博物馆、国家博物馆、国家画院(国展)美术中心等国及地区的书画展览与艺术交流活动并多次获奖。93 全国书画大展赛《曹全碑文》书法获银奖;95 三国文化全国书法篆刻展获铜奖;97 香港回归澳门书画展获“超群艺术奖”;1999 中国书法大赛《李白诗》获金奖;2001(1840-2000)中国近现代书画国家博物馆展获金奖;2003《沁园春 雪》第七届全国书法作品展获一等奖;《神龙》评为2009 年度最具影响力艺术家获金奖;2013 还我钓鱼岛——爱国诗书画大赛,《钓鱼宝岛》获终身成就奖;2018 中央电视台国际公益事业大典获中国书画传播奖。

          Since 1991, he has been invited to participate in painting and calligraphy exhibitions and art exchange activities in Singapore, Paris, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Los Angeles, Dubai, Seoul, Hong Kong, Macao, National Art Museum of China, Chinese Military Museum, National Museum, National Painting Academy (National Exhibition) Art Center and other countries and regions, and won many awards. 93 National Painting and Calligraphy Competition "Cao Quanbei Wen" calligraphy won the silver prize; 95 National Calligraphy and Seal Carving Exhibition of Three Kingdoms Culture won Bronze Award; 97 Hong Kong returned to Macao Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition and won the "Super Art Award"; 1999 Chinese Calligraphy Competition "Li Bai Shi" won the gold medal; In 2001(1840-2000), the National Museum of Modern Chinese Painting and Calligraphy won the gold medal; In 2003, "Spring Snow in Qinyuan" won the first prize in the 7 th National Calligraphy Exhibition; "Shenlong" was named the most influential artist in 2009 and won the gold medal; In 2013, I returned to the Diaoyu Islands-Patriotic Poetry and Painting Competition, and "Fishing Treasure Island" won the Lifetime Achievement Award; 2018 CCTV International Public Welfare Grand Ceremony won the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Communication Award.


          其作品与传略入选《中华热土》、《中国书法选集》、《中国美术》、《文化强国》等百部典籍,部分作品被国内外知名人士、美术馆和博物馆收藏。2012 年以来,由人民网、央视网、光明网、凤凰网等百家权威媒体特作:向中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会献礼《李仁枝——中国当代最具影响力书画名家作品展》、《李仁枝——中国书画艺坛骄子》、《李仁枝——特邀最受欢迎的双十大人民书画家献礼全国两会》、《中国书画名家李仁枝艺术人生访谈录》、《刘大为 李仁枝——中国书画名家作品鉴赏》、《李仁枝——崇德尚艺名家名作两会特别推荐》、《盛世闪耀著名书画家——李仁枝献礼全国两会》、《李仁枝——当代最具收藏价值书画名家》等文章进行报道,出版有《李仁枝书画作品选》、《李仁枝书画艺术年鉴》、《李仁枝书画作品邮票册》等。

          His works and biographies have been selected into 100 classics such as "Hot Land of China", "Selected Works of Chinese Calligraphy", "Chinese Art" and "Cultural Power", and some of his works have been collected by famous people, art galleries and museums at home and abroad. Since 2012, Specially produced by hundreds of authoritative media such as People’s Daily Online, CCTV.com, Guangming.com, Phoenix.com, etc.: "Li Renzhi-Exhibition of the Most Influential Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Masters", "Li Renzhi-The Pride of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art", "Li Renzhi-Inviting the Most Popular Top Ten People’s Painters and Painters to Present the National Two Sessions", "Interview with Li Renzhi, a Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Master" "Liu Dawei Li Renzhi-Appreciation of Famous Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Works", "Li Renzhi-Special Recommendation of Chongde’s Famous Artists’ Two Meetings", "Shengshi Shining Famous Painters-Li Renzhi Presents Gifts to the National Two Meetings", "Li Renzhi-Contemporary Most Collected Painting and Calligraphy Masters" and other Wen Zhang reported, published "Selected Works of Li Renzhi’s Painting and Calligraphy", "Yearbook of Li Renzhi’s Painting and Calligraphy Art".



          On the 60th anniversary of National Day, he was awarded the title of "Outstanding Contribution Artist in New China’s Literary and Art Circles" and published special stamps. Expert comment works: His calligraphy takes everything from nature into the book, which is magnificent and unique. His works are grand without losing solemn elegance, chic and elegant without losing vigorous and steady, stirring without losing rules and regulations. They can be described as moving in silence, moving by silence, moving by silence, moving by beauty, being motivated by quietness, being interesting, vigorous and powerful, bearing extraordinary, beautiful, and rolling in the clouds.
















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