
        【正新风 扬国粹】 2021年全国高层次艺术人才——王杰宝

        作者:admin2021-01-30 17:05:52 来源:中国书法家网



          Member of Calligraphers Association of Central State Organs; Member of Chinese Calligraphers Association; Chinese national ceremony artists; Chinese national guest ceremony artist; Master of Chinese and American Russian ritual art; As a judge of the selection activities of the top ten people in people’s art to commemorate the 125th anniversary of Mao Zedong’s birth; As a judge of the selection of artistic figures in the 70 th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China; Served as the vice chairman of the judges of the Second Supreme Honor Award in the Literary and Art Circles of the People’s Republic of China.



          In the 2015 global Chinese publishing industry’s heavy news "China Art Sheng" selection activity, he won the honorary title of "China Art Sheng" together with Mr. Qi Gong; Won the highest award for cultural achievements in China and South Korea; Won the China-US-Russia Art Lifetime Achievement Award; Won the title of national cultural celebrity; Won the honorary title of China’s top ten supreme artists; Won the national highest honor award for literary and art masters and several domestic and international awards and honorary titles;



          His works have been collected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Great Hall of the People and many countries; The work was made into a national gift by the state to present the 70 th birthday of the motherland; The work was selected into the SCO Bishkek Summit and the China-Kyrgyzstan Cultural Exchange National Ceremony Project; Many works have been registered with national copyright patents; Publishing a collection of Chinese contemporary famous calligraphy (Dahongpao).



          Into more than 80 special issues of painting and calligraphy; Served as honorary president of Korea-China Cultural Friendship Promotion Association; Honorary Professor of Tsinghua University Painting and Calligraphy Art Institute; Visiting Professor of Peking University Painting and Calligraphy Art Research Institute; Honorary Professor of Confucius Institute in China; Vice President of China Century Collection Painting and Calligraphy Institute of CCTV; Art Director of China Satellite TV; Art Director of Chinese Art Encyclopedia; Artistic Director of China Internet Alliance; International celebrity Baidu Encyclopedia, director of outreach department, and many other positions at home and abroad. He has been selected for many CCTV publicity reports and participated in many national painting and calligraphy exhibitions; Selected in the "Who’s Who in the World", the artistic talent pool of the Ministry of Culture, and the national professional credit evaluation skill talent pool.



          Art life motto: serve the people, be grateful to the society, serve the country and inherit the world. Runge: 300,000 per square foot.

          王杰宝作品《福星高照满庭庆 寿诞生辉合家欢》

          隶意悠悠高古质 大家书道圣贤功——记著名书法家王杰宝

          Li Yi, You Yi, You Gao Gu, You Shu Dao, Sheng Xian Gong —— A Record of Famous Calligrapher Wang Jiebao


          Han li is the root of all the books. Calligraphy originated from carving Oracle bones, and was unified in Qin Zhuan, but it didn’t reach maturity. When calligraphy art progressed to Han Dynasty, official script was the mature source of calligraphy.



          Wang Jiebao, a famous calligrapher, cultivated calligraphy, respected the mature Li Shu as a clan, overhauled the tablet extensions in Han Dynasty, absorbed the essence of ancient times, and made eight books authentic. With the long ancient rhyme of han li, he reproduced the mature aesthetic feeling of Chinese calligraphy with both advantages and disadvantages, and became a famous Li system master in calligraphy.

          王杰宝作品《不忘初心 牢记使命》


          At present, there are many calligraphers who pursue all the books. However, in the process of pursuing all the books, there are not many calligraphers who can express their feelings like Wang Jiebao. In particular, by practicing han li, there are not many calligraphers who have achieved both tablet quality and rhyme. His calligraphy achieved tenacity because of the influence of tablet quality, and became a state of prosperity because of the nourishment of calligraphy. The situation is vivid, combining rigidity with softness.



          Intensive training will lead to outstanding achievements, while great training will lead to brilliance. Wang Jiebao, who cultivated in the calligraphy circle, was praised as a sage with great calligraphy by his brilliant calligraphy. Wang Jiebao’s calligraphy has a fine understanding and copying of han li’s ten monuments, which has completely reached the level of spiritual recovery. His calligraphy has never been repaired, from the elegance of Yiying Monument to Yan Hua of Ritual Monument, from the vastness of Shimen Ode to the singularity of Huashan Monument. All the posture of the monument must be carved with pen and ink, hand to pen, and with the creative skill of combining heart and pen, the face can be proclaimed lightly, and the rhyme of Li is extremely beautiful.



          Tracing the ancient times with a brush, the ink drops to show the holy charm. He wrote official script, and his brushwork skills were extremely rich. His stippling echoed like Fengxiang, interspersed into citron beams, and his setbacks and twists and turns were all ten times of skill, but few people chased him. Retaining the basic visual sense of silkworm heads and geese tails, and adding a new idea of emphasizing turbidity and ignoring uneven level, it is amazing to learn from the past and turn it into a school without sticking to one pattern.



          His calligraphy styles are diverse, and the testimonies are complete. He is strong, handsome, elegant, simple, and rigorous. His view of the stars is boundless, bright and pleasing to the eye, with great weather, great temperament, and charm. His two assistants form a seal of God, which pursues elegance as the main theme and elegance as the artistic conception. His calligraphy is always full of endless literati style, which makes the pen and ink express valuable literati feelings from beginning to end.



          Why do you say that the literati feelings in Wang Jiebao’s calligraphy are very valuable? This is because the current style of calligraphy has gradually become dry, and even the pen and ink have become rivers and lakes. Some pens that do not care about the law and arbitrarily write have appeared from time to time. This impetuous style of calligraphy bypasses Wang Jiebao’s right path of cultivation, does not cultivate culture, and does not take root. The basic laws of truth, Li, and seal script are not cultivated at all, but directly write cursive script, which is inherently deficient, losing the soul of culture and the constraint of law, which is contrary to the right path of calligraphy Wang Jiebao, who sticks to the literati’s feelings and becomes calligraphy, is elegant in his pen and ink, which can prove that authentic calligraphy is still in everyone’s mind, so that he can lead calligraphy to the right path, and will not lead to other ways under the turbidity of rivers and lakes.



          Transferred to Italy leisurely high ancient quality, everyone books on sages. The literati texture of Wang Jiebao’s calligraphy is the symbol of the mainstream calligraphy, which is based on learning from the ancient, respecting the sages, being rigorous and observing the law. Therefore, the merit is achieved, and the holy name is obtained!

          著名书画评论家 史峰 2018年5月4日

          Famous painting and calligraphy critic Shi Feng May 4, 2018







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