
        杨翰儒、理查德.斯契米德—中外书画名家 之 世纪收藏

        作者:admin2019-01-02 16:10:42 来源:中国书法家网

          导读: 杨翰儒、理查德.斯契米德—中外书画名家之世纪收藏 ...


          Yang Hanru, famous Kun, the word Hanru, known as a cold-hearted scholar. Born in March 1954 in a remote rural area of Linquan City, Anhui Province. He has been engaged in calligraphy education and art research for many years. At the age of six, he studied calligraphy under the supervision of his mother. For more than fifty years, he never stopped studying and forgetting to eat and sleep. His diligent pursuit and artistic practice made him form the unique calligraphy art and expressive techniques nowadays. On the basis of inheriting the different styles of traditional Chinese calligraphy, he also created calligraphy works with unique artistic charm, which inherited the past and inherited the future. Forge ahead! Expanding the Six Body Exhibition of the Ancient to more than 20 styles and forms of expression fills in many gaps in the treasure house of Chinese calligraphy art and makes outstanding contributions to the Chinese quintessence art! uuuuuuuu Be praised as a generation of book saints by the world!




          Mr. Zhang has traveled all over the world with an iron pen. He has visited more than 20 countries for exchanges.

          Mr. Yang’s calligraphy is one of the most powerful artists in contemporary Chinese calligraphy circle and the founder of Yang’s calligraphy style. And the creator.


          一介布衣画江湖  一杆铁笔书江山






          A Painting of Cloth, a Painting of River and Lake, a Pen and a Calligraphy of River and Mountain

          He is a famous contemporary Chinese calligraphy artist, but often calls himself an ordinary people.

          He won numerous awards in his life, but only a cloth, a pen across the world.

          He is a stunt, no matter the size of the paper, the number of articles, writing into the army, the layout is rigorous.

          He wrote more than 60 years of storms every day, creating Yang’s style with Chinese traditional style as the keynote and unique flavor of the times, which shocked both China and foreign countries.

          He is such an artist who cherishes the world, but often wears clothes. He regards calligraphy art and the essence of the country as his lifelong hobby, carries forward the culture of the motherland and inherits the national civilization as his lifelong responsibility.



          Mr. Wang is modest, approachable, peach and plum all over the world, friends all over the world, hate to sell fame, boast, flashy and unrealistic, never comment on the same works, modest learning from predecessors. He never sticks to, never imitates a monument, tirelessly forgets others and forgets himself. My calligraphy leads the way and realizes the unrepeatable style of Yang’s calligraphy. Mr. Wen once vowed to dedicate the real book to the present age and spread to the later generations as the forever identity of the people and the forerunner of the calligraphy circle at the end of the Republic. He has won the respect and praise of international colleagues for his exquisite skills, profound skills and extraordinary bold creation. He has been hired as a visiting professor and art consultant by many universities at home and abroad. He has led delegations of famous Chinese calligraphers and painters to collect styles and exchanges many times. In April 2005, he was awarded "Master of Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy and Painting" by the International Yanhuang Calligraphy and Painting Association. In 2015, he was awarded the "Annual Palace and Master of Art" by the Chinese Calligrapher Research Association.




          Today, he has won the praise of countless intellectuals, but also faced with the slander of many jealous people. He has no intention of honor or disgrace, disdains, rides the wind and waves, breaks through thorns, bold innovation, never slack, creating a world-shaking ghosts and gods of great quality.

          Mr. Zhang said, "Commend and criticize the freedom of spring and autumn, and do it well." He only knows how to do good and never asks about his future. "Do what he should do and let others talk long and short." Some people have suggested that in the future, Mr. A. should write less or not, and reduce the world stock, so that scarcity is the most precious thing. "I hope all the countries in China will have my words before I die," said Mr.


          理查德.斯契米德(Richard Schmid) 是当代世界最杰出的画家和美术教育家, 1934年出生在美国伊利诺斯州的芝加哥。他最早的艺术的影响,来自他外祖父朱利安(Julian Oates,建筑雕塑艺术家)。理查德.斯契米德(Richard Schmid)从12岁开始初步学习和研究人物、风景和解剖学,一直持续到他进入美国芝加哥艺术学院、在威廉?摩斯拜(William H. Mosby)的指导下学习和研究古典绘画技术。

          Richard Schmid, the world’s most outstanding painter and art educator, was born in 1934 in Chicago, Illinois. His earliest artistic influence came from his grandfather Julian Oates. Richard Schmid began studying characters, landscapes and anatomy at the age of 12 until he entered the Chicago Academy of Arts and studied classical painting techniques under the guidance of William H. Mosby.



          他的导师威廉.摩斯拜(William H. Mosby)毕业于著名的比利时(Belgian)安特卫普(Antwerp)的布鲁塞尔皇家学院、是一位出色的欧洲和北美写实主义绘画的技法专家。威廉.摩斯拜曽経学习和研究了荷兰、比利时、意大利、法国、英国和西班牙大师以及所有的19世纪後期、以及欧洲和美国的画家的绘画概念和技法。他重点系统的研究了各个历史时期的各种一次性画法(意大利文:Alla Prima),或直接画法。 因此,直接影响了理查德.斯契米德(Richard Schmid)後来的学习和研究工作,以及个人艺术风格的形成与发展。

          His mentor, William H. Mosby, graduated from the prestigious Royal College of Brussels in Belgian Antwerp and was an outstanding expert in European and North American realist painting techniques. William Mossbaic studied the concepts and techniques of the Dutch, Belgian, Italian, French, British and Spanish masters and all the late 19th century, European and American painters. He focused on a systematic study of various disposable paintings (Alla Prima, Italian) or direct paintings of various historical periods. Therefore, it has a direct impact on Richard Schmid’s later study and research, as well as the formation and development of individual artistic style..


          2000年的时候,理查德.斯契米德(Richard Schmid)获得了美国 约翰.辛格尓.萨金特终生成就奖 奖章 (John Singer Sargent Medal)的最高荣誉。

          在2005年,理查德.斯契米德(Richard Schmid)获得美国肖像画协会(Portrait Society of America)一年一度的金奖。理查德.斯契米德(Richard Schmid)同时获得莱姆美术学院的荣誉博士学位。

          在他的艺术职业生涯中,理查德.斯契米德(Richard Schmid)通过他的书籍、文章、讲座、艺术工作室、电视演讲促进了绘画艺术教育。他在欧美游历广泛。目前,理查德.斯契米德(Richard Schmid)和他的妻子南希(画家Nancy Guzik)居住在美国佛蒙特州(Vermont)。

          In 2000, Richard Schmid won the highest honor of the John Singer Sargent Medal.

          In 2005, Richard Schmid won the Portrait Society of America’s annual gold medal. Richard Schmid (Richard Schmid) also received an honorary doctorate from the Academy of Fine Arts.

          During his artistic career, Richard Schmid promoted art education through his books, articles, lectures, art studios, and television speeches. He travels extensively in Europe and America. Richard Schmid and his wife Nancy Guzik currently live in Vermont..


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